Can Stress Cause a Positive ANA Test Result?

Stress isn’t usually the direct cause of a positive ANA test, but it can influence the immune system, potentially exacerbating symptoms in those with autoimmune disorders.

If you have symptoms like fatigue, joint pain, or unexplained inflammation, your doctor might order an antinuclear antibody (ANA) test to check for autoimmune disorders. This test detects ANAs in the blood, potentially indicating conditions like lupus or scleroderma.

About one-fifthTrusted Source of the population tests positive for ANAs, but only a small fraction have symptoms or are diagnosed with autoimmune diseases. This raises questions about why some people have these antibodies without showing signs of illness. Could stress play a role?

While stress isn’t typically the direct cause of a positive ANA result, it can exacerbate existing conditions or trigger symptoms in those with autoimmune disorders. This might lead to a positive ANA test detected during stressful periods.

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