How do I start doing yoga at home?

When you’re starting out, it’s essential to get the basics right – the poses, breathing, and correct alignment. Without the right foundations, you simply won’t get all the benefits of yoga. But how do you do that on your own?

The answer is to follow a course for beginners – online or using an app. Skill Yoga offers a Beginner program with five 30-minute yoga sessions that you can do at your own pace.

Or, if you’re pressed for time, why not start with a Daily Mobility Break that takes just 10-11 minutes? Starting with shorter practices makes you more likely to succeed at building your yoga at home habit. Being too ambitious, for example aiming at doing five hours of yoga weekly, is setting you up for a very likely failure.

You may be wondering “But how can I teach myself yoga properly?” Let’s face it, some of us are better at following instructions than others. And that’s where Skill Yoga app wins big – it has the Movement Coach, a cutting-edge feature that follows your movement in real time and gives you instant feedback! You learn as you go!

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