How To Be Successful

What does it really mean to be successful? The answer depends a lot on who you are and on your particular life circumstances. 

Of course, there are stereotypical markers of success: The big house, the fancy car, the important job, the best looking romantic partner. These ideas are often perpetuated in the media, through films like The Pursuit of Happyness. But these are largely superficial ideas of what makes a successful life. Ideally, the definition of success should be less material and more philosophical. Success is not about flashy accolades but about making a positive impact on others, living life to its fullest and finding happiness. 

That said, finding your bliss doesn’t always pay the bills. So, most of us likely want to find a sweet spot between creating a life we truly enjoy and bringing in enough cash to continue to fund it. That’s really the definition of living the dream, right?

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