Learn Some Plants

Fancy yourself a plant person?

For some people, plants provide the ideal pathway to connecting with nature.

The great thing about plants is you can really take your time to study all the little details and not have to worry about scaring them away.

(If you’re wondering where to start… here are 14 different types of plants that everyone should learn early on their plant journey.)

Most people only ever look at the surface level of plants… they might take a brief glance & then moving on to something else.

But nature connection requires deeper experiences in order to really have the most impact.

So instead, try getting down close and really study one individual plant more carefully than you’ve ever done before.

Try to really connect deeply with that plant until you know it very well before moving on to the next one. This is one of the secrets to avoiding overwhelm when learning about plants.

Notice all the little characteristics of the leaves, stems, flowers & branches.

There are endless pathways with plants to study edible & medicinal qualities, even how plants can teach us about their interactions with wild animals & insects.

If you want to go down the plant path, here are 6 awesome questions to help you learn about plants even if you have no prior experience!

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