What are the Benefits of practicing gratitude

There are many benefits of practicing gratitude, both mental and physical. Regular practice has been shown to have measurable positive effects on health.

Boosts the immune system

Gratitude has been shown to help contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

Stress lowers the immune response to potential bodily threats, whereas increased mental well-being can help your body fight off illness, according to a 2004 research reviewTrusted Source.

Practicing gratitude also has the ability to improve other aspects of physical health, with one early-stage 2017 studyTrusted Source suggesting it can reduce the risks associated with heart failure.

Improves mental health

Gratitude is one of many factors that contributes to positive mental health outcomes.

One 2020 study showed that regularly practicing gratitude can help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. An older study from 2003 noted that gratitude was linked to improved mood.

Practicing gratitude fosters positive feelings and can contribute to a sense of well-being when done regularly.

Improved relationships

Gratitude not only improves your physical and mental well-being; it may also improve your relationships.

Gratitude plays a key role in forming relationships, as well as in strengthening existing ones.

When it comes to romantic relationships, gratitude can help partners feel more satisfied with each other. One 2010 study showed that partners who demonstrated gratitude toward one another reported increased relationship satisfaction and improved happiness the following day.

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