What is business value of the Power Platform

Many organizations struggle with building solutions that help their users be successful. Not only do they struggle trying to modernize their systems, but they simply don’t have the resources required to meet the ever-changing needs of businesses today. With demands for targeted applications at an all-time high and labor shortages, it isn’t uncommon to see application demand up to five times what departments can realistically deliver.

This demand for applications and resources isn’t the only challenge facing enterprises today. As the business climate changes, new factors are impacting businesses.

These impacts include:

  • Changing workforce expectations: As millennials and Gen Z come to represent most of the workforce, organizations need to adapt to fit the way they work. They grew up in a world of tailored experiences and collaborating through social media. To best apply their abilities, organizations need to be able to deliver more custom, streamlined, and collaborative digital experiences.
  • Increased costs for custom application development: Building custom applications is time consuming and expensive. Not only do you need to factor in the costs to initially custom develop an application, but you need to factor in the costs to maintain it.
  • Need to become more agile: Historically, solutions can take months to build and roll out. Once deployed, it can take weeks to implement every minor change. We no longer have that luxury. Business strategies and needs change rapidly, so organizations need to be able to quickly build solutions based on those changing needs.
  • Need to scale development efficiently: To meet ever changing needs, organizations need to change how they develop solutions. By responsibly enabling citizen developers (power users) as part of development processes, we can create hybrid development teams that empower the entire organization to grow.

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