What is content to an application
New content is added to the application by selecting the Add page button. When you add a new page, you specify which type of page you want to use.
There are several options to choose from:
- Table-based form and view: Allows you to display records of table in a full-page list view. Forms associated with that table are also included.
- Dashboard: Allows you to displays charts and tables from multiple entities to visualize data on a single page. Multiple dashboards can be added to a model application.
- URL: Allows you to add a URL to the application navigation.
- Web resource: Allows you to display a web resource inside a page. Web resources are files created by developers that extend the functionality of an app.
- Custom: Allows you to design and build the type of page you want by dragging interactive components into the canvas.

Testing the application
By selecting the Play button on the top right, the app is put into Play mode. You can see the app that displays data based on the choices made in the design process.

Throughout this unit, we talked about how individuals can create model-driven applications in Power Apps. Many times, application building isn’t being done by just one individual. Power Apps coauthoring feature allows makers to edit model-driven applications together in real time. The ability to coauthor can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes organizations to build applications.