What is Your Philosophy/Theory of Classroom Management?

In trying to select a classroom management and discipline model, it is always important to select a theoretical framework to guide you. Thus, your philosophy of student management will provide you with a theoretical inspiration upon which your model is based. This will help you choose a balanced view and belief about the discipline model that is a champion among the rest. With this, you will create a discipline or management system that will form a center stage for you to deal with disciplinary issues in your classroom. But what are the main theories and/or philosophies under which the various models of classroom management fit in?

There are four main theories or philosophies that form the basis for the various models of classroom discipline/management. They are those provided by; Wolfgang and Glickman, French and Raven, Skinner and Rogers, and Lewis (Tauber, 2007). These theories are important because every model needs to have a balance between sound theory and effective practice. Thus, without one of them, the model is not a good one.

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