Why Is Self-Care Important?

Practicing self-care regularly can bring about both short- and long-term benefits that lead to improved well-being and an improved health status.


In the short term, people who practice self-care can see positive changes such as:

  • Reduced stress levels: Putting your health and needs first along with giving yourself a bit of rest can significantly reduce stress levels.
  • Increasing self-worth: The more you take care of yourself, the better you will feel about who you are as a person. This is because more of your core needs will be met on a regular basis.
  • Feelings of belonging: A short-term benefit of spending time with others will provide feelings of belonging and love, which is good for your overall mental health.


While the short-term benefits of self-care are good, the long-term benefits are what self-care is more focused on. Some long-term benefits include:

  • Managing chronic conditions: By practicing physical and mental self-care strategies, conditions such as depression, diabetes, and heart disease can be more effectively managed.25
  • Disease prevention: Implementing self-care practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress management techniques, reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and obesity in the future.7
  • Stress reduction: Stress affects all systems in the body. Chronic stress can lead to chronic health conditions. Practicing self-care that reduces chronic stress can help lower the risk of developing health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, and more.8
  • Healthier relationships: When taking better care of our personal needs, we are better able to engage in healthy relationships partially due to increased self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Improved job satisfaction: A study of nurses found those who implemented intentional self-care practices had significantly higher job satisfaction. The authors suggest implementing self-care practices could improve job satisfaction and teamwork while reducing burnout.9
  • Reduced burnout: Authors of a review of multiple studies concluded the solution for burnout is complex, but self-care strategies are one of several components that could be effective.10
  • Improved quality of life: When self-care practices help to better manage health conditions, reduce stress, or create a greater sense of belonging, overall well-being and quality of life improve.

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