A last is designed for the shoe manufacturer and the original last was cut from a block of wood by hand. Now these are produced by a three dimensional CAD CAM system.

  1. Template designed and cardboards cut outs made.
  2. Material then cut to the required shape.
  3. Model made to check dimensions at specific places – once satisfactory production of whole size range made.
  4. Working last cut into two pieces & usually hinged together – so that it can be removed easily from the shoe without damaging it.

When a bespoke shoemaker creates a last for a customer and their feet, a new last won’t be made. Instead, extra pieces will simply be ‘tacked’ on to the existing last to cater for the ageing foot.


The original designer of the last has a difficult job as they need to create a last shape based on average feet and an average fitting and to suit any style. This aesthetically acceptable shape of a last must play its part in creating shoes to accommodate feet which can be far from aesthetically pleasing – at times a balance needs to be struck between how nice a shoe looks and how practical the shoe is.  The best last designers can do both!!

The last model maker has to have a full knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the foot and be aware of the changes for gender and age. A last which has been designed for a women 25-35 year old women with a 5C fitting will be different to that of a last designed for 70 year old women of the same size 5C. The older women’s last would need to have a slightly narrower back because women’s feet become bonier in the heel as they go into their senior years and a last for the younger women would need to have a rounder cross section.

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