How to Nurture Your Learners’ Creativity

We’ve discussed the idea that learners can develop their creative abilities. This is critical because our global workplace is changing due to advances in technology (Attaran, et al., 2019). The shift in valuing creativity and adaptability, and the ability to increase revenue by enhancing product value through design and function, echoes in a growing number of market segments (Yu, et al., 2019).

In his book A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink discusses the success of nations depending on “having artists in the room” (Pink, 2005). Such insights lead to the realization that having creative people on any team is essential. It’s paramount to the success of any corporation wanting to innovate and inspire with its products.

Ultimately any job focusing on routine work and repetitive mental tasks can and probably will be outsourced in the future, and many including manufacturing, data entry, accounting, call support, legal assistance, and others already have been for years.

As if in response to this, bloggers such as culture writer Gabriel Navarro discuss the necessity for employees to be consistently upskilling in modern workplaces:

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