What is basic model-driven app

A model-driven app consists of several components that you select by using the App Designer. Components and component properties become the metadata. Let’s look more closely at these components.

Model-driven app components


The table shows the different data components that can make up a model-driven app, which can determine what data the app is based upon.Expand table

TableTables are items with properties that you track. Examples include contacts and accounts. Many standard tables are available. You can customize a nonsystem standard table (or production table). You can also create a custom table from scratch.
ColumnColumns are properties that are associated with a table and help define that table. A column is defined by a data type, which determines the type of data that can be entered or selected. Examples of data types include text, number, date and time, currency, and lookup (which creates a relationship with another table). Columns are typically used in forms, views, and searches.
RelationshipRelationships define how tables can be related to each other. There are 1:N (one-to-many), N:1 (many-to-one), and N:N (many-to-many) relationships. For example, adding a lookup column to a table creates a new 1:N relationship between the two tables and lets you add that lookup column to a form.
ChoiceThis type of column shows a control that lets the user select among predefined options. Each option has a number value and a label. Choice columns can require either a single value or multiple values.

User interface

The table shows the user interface components, which determine how users interact with the app and what designer is used to create or edit the component.Expand table

AppApps determine the app fundamentals, like components, properties, the client type, and the URL.
Site mapA site map specifies the navigation for your app.
FormForms include a set of data entry columns for a given table. A form can be used to create a new data row or edit an existing one.
ViewViews define how a list of rows for a specific table appears in your app. A view defines the columns shown, the width of each column, the sorting behavior, and the default filters.
Screenshot of the Power Apps app designer and form designer windows, which is showing the available options in the user interface.

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