What is Rowset functions
Rowset functions return a virtual table that can be used in the FROM clause as a data source. These functions take parameters specific to the rowset function itself. They include OPENDATASOURCE, OPENQUERY, OPENROWSET, OPENXML, and OPENJSON.
The OPENDATASOURCE, OPENQUERY, and OPENROWSET functions enable you to pass a query to a remote database server. The remote server will then return a set of result rows. For example, the following query uses OPENROWSET to get the results of a query from a SQL Server instance named SalesDB.
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=SalesDB;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
'SELECT Name, ListPrice
FROM AdventureWorks.Production.Product') AS a;
To use remote servers, you must enable some advanced options in the SQL Server instance where you’re running the query.
The OPENXML and OPENJSON functions enable you to query structured data in XML or JSON format and extract values into a tabular rowset.